Benefits of Unity Game Engine in Mobile Game Development

Unity game engine allows the developers to build their content once and then deploy to the various platforms they have chosen with just one simple click. This capability reduces the hassle of the developer to write separate codes for each individual platform that will definitely result in higher cost due to the complex maintenance that is required.
The complexity increases exponentially for each additional platform to support as it is hard to synchronize the same feature sets across the many different platforms that the developer wishes to support. One of the technologies that Xsosys uses to create mobile apps is the Unity game engine. By using the Unity game engine, Xsosys enjoys all the benefits that Unity has to offer.
Xsosys has a team of experienced developers who are well-versed in using the Unity game engine toolset to create mobile apps for various platforms in the shortest time possible. The Unity game engine is the solution that Xsosys proposes to its clients who have an additional requirement to support a wide variety of mobile devices. Even though Unity game engine is widely used to create games, it can also be used to create mobile apps easily. Unity 1.11 is the current latest version.
It contains more than 170 bug fixes and introduced a unified OpenGL rendering backend. Unity Multiplayer simplifies networking such that developing multiplayer games will not be a nightmare for all game programmers. The underlying transport layer of the networking engine is driven by the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). UDP relies on a very simple and connectionless transport approach that has few protocol mechanisms. As such, UDP is a very fast protocol which sacrifices reliability for speed.
Unity Multiplayer enables developers to choose the reliability level that they wish in each different component that may require high reliability, high speed, or a balance of both reliability and speed. Developers are able to choose between the traditional server and client architecture or the peer to peer networking model. The new matchmaker and relay servers free the game developers from reinventing the wheel by developing the services from scratch.
It releases much of the developers time which can be used to concentrate on the more critical aspects of the game features. Xsosys is able to use Unity game engine to create the best mobile app for its client using its feature rich uniqueness to simplify many of the development work. Xsosys is then able to focus all the energy into the actual design of the mobile application features rather than coding some of the common and generic components.
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