Benefits of Unity Game Engine in Mobile Game Development

Unity is basically a game engine that can be used to create games for the computers, video consoles, mobile phones, tablets and websites. One of the many advantages of using Unity 3D is the superb multiplatform support that includes iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8, BlackBerry 10, Tizen, Windows, Windows Store Apps, Mac, Linux, Web Player, WebGL, PS3, PS4, PSVITA, XBox One, XBox 360, Wii U, Android TV, Samsung SMART TV, Oculus Rift, Gear VR and Microsoft Hololens. Unity game engine allows the developers to build their content once and then deploy to the various platforms they have chosen with just one simple click. This capability reduces the hassle of the developer to write separate codes for each individual platform that will definitely result in higher cost due to the complex maintenance that is required. The complexity increases exponentially for each additional platform to support as it is hard to synchronize the same feature sets across the many different platforms that the d...